Everyone knows that any good Necron army will make great use of a range of Crypteks. The trouble is that there are simply not enough of a range of suitable Cryptek models and you have to venture into the realms of Finecast for the privilege.

I wasn't about to go and buy 3 or 4 identical models for a premium so I had a think, and a look around the blogosphere and instead bought a single box of Lychguard. Instantly saving me a fair chunk of cash (which, evidently I went out and spent on some Annihilation Barges... D'oh!)

The Praetorian back plate was perfect to represent some sort of Necron Cryteck... tech... and so the first thing was to shave off the excess moulding that would allow the Praetorian back cage to fix in place. I didn't want to use that - mostly because it would only get in the way of painting & utterly frustrate me.

In order to help with future flexibility I decided to magnetise the weapon heads on two of the staff weapons... converting two unique weapon heads in the process. This will allow me to represent a range of different Cryptek staffs depending on the mix and type of Harbingers I decide to field.
After that work was done, the rest was simple and I got myself 5 Crypteks!!! All out of a single boxed set with parts to spare (I will probably throw the useful bits such as the big shields and swords up on e-bay as I certainly won't be needing them!).