I have started up a new Facebook page for the narrative events I run locally. I plan to talk about narrative gaming in general as well a do all the lead up work for my events and campaigns there.

If you are interested feel free to jump into the conversations on Big Jim's Narrative Gaming Productions!

Now onto the blog news:

It has been hard to maintain Galaxy in Flames as well as podcasting on 2 shows, commission paint, watch over TCP, while keeping engaged on the Custodes forum. I have become so busy in the hobby the blog has suffered, so goes life.

So the plan for the blog going forward is to put my painting and modeling here as well as battle reports. I do plan to post once a week from this point on as well, I am behind in posting pics of miniatures that I have finished in the past few months. Everything else will move to the appropriate other sites that I maintain.

So Killzone will move exclusively to TCP. Although I will post links to updates here.

Narrative gaming other than battle reports will move to FB