So, it has been a little while since my last update.  But quite a bit has happened since my last post.  Perhaps most significantly, I played in a local 2000 point tournament.

So, overall, the tournament was really small and I ended up really just playing two games, once against a friend that I play regularly anyways. All of the battles were "Purge the Alien" which wasn't great for my Army composition as I had 14 KP available.   I ended up placing third, which still gave me a prize, but I was also given a free game because of the odd number of competitors.  This free game ended up biting me in the butt and likely cost me second place as second place came down to a die roll.

As for the games I did play, I used the list I posted on here a few weeks back that included Belial and Imperial guard allies.  The first game I played was against a World Eaters Chaos army.  The army itself was nicely painted and had some formidable units.  The army consisted of Typhus leading a squad of Terminator Champions, a squad of Berserkers in a Rhino, a squad of Noise Marines in a Rhino, a small squad of plague marines, and two squads of Obliterators.  This game went very well for me as I was able to completely stop the Chaos advance and then used Belial and my terminators to disrupt his obliterators.  Once his terminators and Typhus arrived from deep strike, I was able to bait them away from my main army and kept them mostly out of the rest of the game once they killed my IG platoon (my bait unit).  By the end of the battle, I had nearly tabled my opponent, with him having only an almost dead Typhus and the Terminators left.  I won this game hands down.

The second game I played is really where I felt the Army composition disadvantage I had.  I gave up a lot of KP, and my opponent had very few KP to take.  I ended up losing 9 to 6 against a Blood Angels army that was built specifically for "Purge the Alien".  I didn't feel that bad about this loss as I kept things about as close as I could, and I learned a lot about what type of army to bring to the next 2000 point tournament.

The list I came up with is:
Belial with Twin Lightning Claws

Deathwing Terminator Squad
-Apothecary with SB/PF
-Banner with SB/PF
-Sergeant with Claws
-2x TH/SS
-1x Cyclone

Deathwing Terminator Squad
-Sergeant with Claws
-1x Lightning Claws
-3x TH/SS
-1x Cyclone

Deathwing Terminator Squad
-Sergeant with Claws
-1x Lightning Claws
-2x TH/SS
-1x CF/SB
-1x Cyclone

Tactical Squad (10 man)
-Sergeant with Plasma Pistol
-Plasma Gun

Devastator Squad (10 Man)
-Sergeant with PF
-2x Missile Launcher
-2x Lascannon

IG Company Command Squad
-2x Plasma Guns
-1x Autocannon
-1x Master of the Ordinance

Guardsman Marbo

IG Veteran Squad
-3x Plasma gun
-1x Missile Launcher

IG Veteran Squad
-3x Melta Gun

Vendetta Gunship

This list only gives up 11 KP which was about the average in the last tournament.  Also, most people had issues with Terminators, so having three units should help.  Lastly, I switched to IG veteran squads and a Vendetta for the increased accuracy and firepower.  Any thoughts?