Ok for starters this isnt a costume contest,
and second - that is the WORST PARTY HAT EVER!

How the heck did I get here!?!!?!  :)

200 posts and nearly 275 thousand views later and still going strong! Thankyou to everyone who has supported LITW and my hobby aspirations over the past few years. In particular I want to thank my beautiful wife Lisa who has always been my biggest fan even when she doesnt understand what it is I am doing ;)

I would also like to thank my friend Erik "Swordwind" Hildebrandt. He has been my partner in creating The Lost Games Club, The Lost forums (www.thelostforums.net), and running well over 100 events (HOLY GEEZ!). I wanted to call him my side kick but he has done more work than me for the club over the past couple years.... So I guess he is kind of Nightwing to my Batman... Not as cool but a hero in his own right!

Final personal shout out goes to my friend, webmaster and graphic designer extraordinaire Stefan Grambart (of GoneTo Ground fame amongst other projects). Without Stefan I dont think I could have made any of this work. Thanks Buddy!

So how do I say thanks? Well one thing I can do is dig into my own, and rather extensive, personal collection of limited edition figures and offer my readers new or old a chance to win their choice of them. Something cool from me to you.

If you want to win you must :

A) Follow me

B) Reply to a post - say anything you like whether it is sarcastic, complimentary or simply a request for something you would like to see.  Anyone who has replied to any of my posts in 2012 will be eligible.

Not a requisite to win but I would certainly appreciate if you would spread the word about this as well as I am always looking to share with an even larger audience.

Following my birthday on September 20th I will feed all the entries into a random number generator and send out a message to the winner with a list of the figures you may choose from! Best of luck and thanks to all who enter.

James "TKKultist" Craig - LITW
Coming up - AMAZING NEW PRODUCT, Cooperative project, Warcaster paintjob, Rociante....

PS a special thanks to Dave Taylor, Frontline Gamer and any of my other friends who have been kind enough to draw attention to this contest and to this Blog through their own cool as heck pages.