To my surprise upon getting home from work this evening I saw a few pictures of my Praetorians on Gamesworkshop's What's New Today! A good start to any week. Follow the link and check it out, its a few photos of my Macharius, although unfortunately before the I got the tank commander finished.

So what am I working on next? Well here is a look at the latest models to grace my painting table. In addition to these are my heavy weapon AT teams and a few other bits and pieces.

With the addition of these I will be well on my way to 4k painted. I also have a game scheduled for this Thursday 1500k against an unknown opponent. Army selection will probably follow the usual pattern of taking whatever I think looks the best with no tactical thought. The under coated items above sadly won't feature (Aegis at a push as it's pretty simple to paint) although I am tempted to take a less mechanised army these days as my options are increasing with all of the new additions.

That's enough for now, let's see if I can steal an hour or two of painting time!
