When all else fails, convert a Forgeworld model.

Yes, it has been a while since I posted here.  I enjoyed my summer vacation, and did very little painting or modeling.  Video games such as Dark Souls and Demons' Souls stole my focus for a few weeks, and reading the 6th edition rule book also consumed my free time.  Plans of allies and fliers have been turning in my head, and only now, have I begun to act.

The model you see above, is my interpretation of a Bloodthirster, fit to lead my Vraksian Militia.  Based on the forgeworld chaos decimator chassis, this model also includes modified claws from a defiler, a jump-pack made from a pair of deathstrike missles, and a gas mask stolen from a Metal Gear Solid "Psycho Mantis" action figure.  The tubes and wires have been pilfered from old bass guitar strings, as well as some jewelers materials.  The base, is from Dragon Forge studios.

Between a trio of Vendettas, this mechanical nightmare and 100 zombies worthy of "plaguebearer" status, I think I have found a way to bring my IG project into 6th edition.

While this is far from the only progress I have made in the last week or so, it is the only pic that I am ready to share.

As always, my aim is to make models and collections that I am interested in, not anything that will necessarily win games.  I think I may have some eyebrow-raising projects in the pipe at the moment.  Stay tuned for more...