Literally all my friends have picked this set up and have started in on the fantastic models. They are easily the best starter set models save maybe Space Hulk I have ever seen. As anyone who has read this blog for any amount of time will guess there isn't a whole lot for Ghoulio here as I don't play Marines or Chaos.

With that in mind my friends have been sending me pics as they are progressing through the set and I have been very impressed with the stuff they have been doing. Slopes (one of the contributors of Legio) is almost finished his Hell Brute which is great and I cant wait to see. Until he posts that I wanted to show off my friend Jason's finished Dark Angels Tactical Squad. I love how this unit turned out and was probably the first time I actually said the words "Your Space Marines look should totally start an army of them". It was so cool in fact I wanted to share it on the blog. So here it is: