This is two days worth of posts, the Willow Ent is almost done and here's my painting guide for it... well, the WIP of it anyway!

Base as usual for me. The first coat was Mournfang Brown base paint. I'm following the reddish brown guide from Games Workshop as the willow down the road from us has quite reddish bark.

And back...

The first really heavy drybrush was of the old Vermin Brown paint, which is apparently the same as the next in the series.

and back...

Next a slightly lighter but still pretty heavy drybrush of Deathclaw Brown, the detail starts to pop out now...

And back...

Finally a highlight of Tyrant Skull Dry Paint and now it looks pretty good!

And back...

After a wash that dried overnight of Agrax Earthshade I run some green over some viny bits and the fingernails and some fleshy colours on the fungus.

And the back...

Next I drybrushed the same green I used on the middle tone of the vines on the ferny bits.

Next I glued on some bits for a beard...

Then I used little blobs of greenstuff to hold the rest of the ferny bits on. I tried to get both good coverage and leave some gaps so you can see key elements like the eyes, fungus etc.

And the back...

I'll leave the greenstuff to cure overnight, then I have to try and paint those bits up again. I just found the glue too fussy, while the greenstuff probably won't look as good, but was way easier to work with.

It was a looooong process, but they're all on now. The willow ent now looks willowy =) Don't like the fingernails either, maybe they'll grow on me, maybe I'll just repaint them.

Anyway, almost there!