Alright, I have a number of articles mostly written that I just need pictures for.  However, I've been busy at work killing myself in preparation for my business trip.  I depart tomorrow and won't be back for two weeks.  If I have time, I will try and finish up the images I need for a couple tactics articles, but otherwise they will wait until my return!

Just a few updates though...

  • I've decided to sell off everything Warhammer related except my Skaven and my Iron Snakes.  I'm keeping some character models and anything that is fully painted, but otherwise all the toys have to go.  Why?  Well, it deeply affects my level of motivation knowing that I have two bookcases worth of miniatures just sitting their unpainted.  I simply feel like I can't make any headway on getting everything modeled and painted so I either take shortcuts and am unhappy, or I just don't partake in that part of the hobby.  In the future, I'm going to focus on one army at a time- starting with my Skaven first.
  • Speaking of which, I'm behind on my Skaven painting and on my Skaven Tactica articles.  I'll address that when I get back from my trip.
  • I played in a 6th edition tournament and ended up middle of the pack.  One close loss, one victory by turn 4, and then a crushing defeat.  I was really shocked at the number of armies with Aegis Defense Lines but, when I revisit my Eldar, I will likely model one up for them (depending on the new book whenever it is released).
  • So going back to the first bulletin I think my goal is to hit the armies in the following order  Skaven -> Iron Snakes Update ->Legion of Everblight -> Retribution of Scyrah -> Rasputina Crew -> Infinity Nomads -> Void Knights.  The reason for the order is that this will give me a fully playable army for each system and I have most of the models already purchased.  Yes, that's right... I'm finally going to bite the bullet and build my Void Knights.  I'll likely be using the Space Wolf book for them unless we see some Black Templar loving in the near future.