
This particular project has had an insanely long delay period, but I finally got stuck in a few weeks ago. This model is my half of a trade I agreed to with Volomir where he would paint up one of my conversions to put up charity auction in exchange for this model.

At the moment this is realistically about 70% complete but the hardest part (the posing) is done so the final 30% shouldn’t take much longer.

Still left to do are the addition of a shoulder pad, some fine detailing and the toughest detail, the chains. At the moment the model is a little top heavy looking but I have a nice idea to add a certain amount of balance with the chains.

The helm was based off of a Fantasy Khorne Champion, stripped down and built up again. I did try a couple of alternative approaches with plastic helms and plasticard “horns” but they just weren’t going to cut it. The Chainaxe started out as an Inquisitor Game scale chainsword, stripped down to just the teeth. The rest of it was built up from Green Stuff, plasticard sheet and a few random bits.