Recipient ID  [ REDACTED ]
Subject  [ REDACTED ]
Classification  [ Level 5 ]


The Forge World of Gottingen IV is believed to host several cults dedicated to the powers of chaos. They appear to be concentrated around the main city of Dettingen, with few outside of the area. The cultists seem to have corrupted a large section of the PDF, and as such should be assumed to be well equipped and armed. In addition to PDF equipment, they will also have access to a variety of factory equipment, much of it potentially lethal. Consider them very dangerous.

The cults appear to be led by a rogue Imperial Missionary, by the name of  Albertus Magnus. He is armed, and always surrounded by his traitorous bodyguard. He must be treated as a severe threat, and  eliminated as soon as possible.

Enclosed image: an unidentified cultist, clearly visible is his improvised chain weapon, and chaotic markings on his shoulder.


Sender ID  [ REDACTED ]