Taking Space Wolves as allies is an obvious choice for quite a few 40K armies, because they excel in a midfield role, which is especially important for armies that tend to struggle producing tough scoring units that can take a round or two of shooting and confidently accept a charge and still give the enemy a good kicking.
Rune Priests
Anyone for a 100pts Independent Character with Living Lightening and Jaws Of The World Wolf as well as a 24" range 4+ Dispel? With two of the best powers in the game, the second best anti-psyker defence in the game and a good all-round HQ choice, you really can't go wrong. And let's not forget that taking a Chooser Of The Slain can really stuff up your opponent's Infiltrators too!
Grey Hunters
What can we say about the best Troops choice in the game? Ok, maybe Grey Knights have stolen the top spot, but when it comes to a unit that can hold a point, take a beating and receive a charge by charging right back at the enemy, Grey Hunters really do put regular Space Marines to shame.
Long Fangs
Want a cheap Devastator Squad or simply need as load of missiles that you otherwise might struggle without, then there's nothing better than Long Fangs. And while they may get charged, because of their Counter Charge and Long Fang Sergeant who's ready to die by accepting a challenge, they're not bad in a scrap either.
The Less Obvious Choices
Many have grumbled that the Space Wolves army is just Rune Priests, Grey Hunters and Long Fangs. Let's be honest, they're right, because those are our best and most cost effective units. But let's not overlook Thunderwolf Cavalry and Lone Wolves.
As you know, I'm not a fan of either, because I'm known for failing every armour save under the sun, but many of you like them and no doubt will find a way to make them a tactical asset as allies for one of your other armies.
Blending Two Armies Together
often the most obvious allies for Space Wolves are other Space Marines. For example, this Grey Knights list with Space Wolves allies was borrowed from Sons Of Sanguinius who poached it from Yes The Truth Hurts, but it clearly demonstrates what you can achieve when you create an 1850pts army from 2 Codex books.
Just remember that allies can be very tricky at lower points levels, but once you get your Core units into the list, you can quickly pad it out with the cheesy stuff!
Inquisitor with 2 Servo Skulls
Rune Priest with Living Lightning and Jaws Of The World Wolf
Grey Knight Strike Squad:
5 Grey Knights, Psycannon
Razorback with Twin Linked Heavy Bolters and Psybolt Ammunition
Grey Knight Strike Squad:
5 Grey Knights, Psycannon
Razorback with Twin Linked Heavy Bolters and Psybolt Ammunition
Grey Knight Strike Squad:
5 Grey Knights, Psycannon
Razorback with Twin Linked Heavy Bolters and Psybolt Ammunition
Grey Knight Strike Squad:
5 Grey Knights, Psycannon
Razorback with Twin Linked Heavy Bolters and Psybolt Ammunition
Grey Knight Strike Squad:
5 Grey Knights, Psycannon
Razorback with Twin Linked Heavy Bolters and Psybolt Ammunition
Grey Knight Strike Squad:
5 Grey Knights, Psycannon
Razorback with Twin Linked Heavy Bolters and Psybolt Ammunition
Grey Hunter Pack:
5 Grey Hunters
Space Wolves Dreadnought:
Twin Linked Autocannon and a Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon
Grey Knights Dreadnought:
2 Twin Linked Autocannons and Psybolt Ammunition
Grey Knights Dreadnought:
2 Twin Linked Autocannons and Psybolt Ammunition
Grey Knights Dreadnought:
2 Twin Linked Autocannons and Psybolt Ammunition
Space Wolves Vindicator:
So there you go! The allies rules have been used to get 7 Troops choices, an extra Dreadnought and gain access to a Vindicator, which is the kind of high strength, low AP blast weaponry that the Grey Knights would otherwise struggle to get their hands on. Great for killing Nob Bikers, Assault Terminators and the like.
Alternatively, if the Grey Knights find themselves in dire need of some missiles, you could easily swap the Vindicator slot out for some Long Fangs and pay a few more points.
Personally, the allies rules still disgust me, because it hasn't helped to create themed armies or to patch the gaping holes left in old Codex books. Instead it's opened up a real can of worms (cheesy worms!) that mean instead of having to buy 1 army, we have to buy 2 if we're going to play on the tournament scene. Or rather, sell our souls and build whatever net list is doing the rounds.
But when it comes to choosing allies for an army, Space Wolves are a very obvious choice, because we have some excellent units that other armies don't have. Or we have very similar good units that other Space Marine armies have, but want more of.
Just imagine how many Dreadnoughts you could field if you allied Bjorn The Fell Handed and a Space Wolves Dreadnought with a Blood Angels Dreadnought army for example!
Space Wolves as Allies
by Adam Smith | Sep 24, 2012