Continuing my coverage of UK Games Day, here are some photos I took of the Golden Demon painting competition entries. These are the ones that most caught my eye for one reason or another; but whilst there was talent on display well beyond my meagre skills as a painter, I did feel that the overall volume of quality was down on last year. (Pic Heavy)

Not really sure why this would be, perhaps my visits to the cabinets coincided with judging rounds and I missed a whole bunch, or more controversially something I discussed with some of 'The Gents'; are the small elite group of professional painters whose amazing works tour competitions around the globe, winning large hauls of awards, dissuading the more humble Hobby painter from entering?

These Blood Angels were my stand out favourites of the day, but maybe I'm a little biased towards my fellow Son's of Sanguinius.

This diorama had a real cinematic feel, I could imagine the dust swirling around, the whine of the Valkyrie engines and the shouts of the Elysians as they deploy to secure the landing zone; meanwhile the Imperial Fist stands vigil for a moment before the remains of the fallen are recovered.

Guard do Lord of the Rings.

Really liked the idea behind this one
 check out the Heavy Bolters on the trailer.


Last but by no means least, two of  'The Gents' entered the competition; Paul who, as regular readers of this Blog will know, is no stranger to Golden Demon, having won more than a few trophies in the past and Will trying his hand for the first time.

Paul entered two 40k categories, first up Duel, which was a reworking of a piece he had entered back in 2010.

 And Squad.

 Will entered his Avatar for Single Miniature.

A place on the podium was not on the cards for either of my intrepid friends, although Paul gained another finalists pin with his Squad. Congrats to all the winners and props to all those who took part, inspiring us with their talent; as always, if you see your work featured and would like a credit; drop me a line here at the Edge.