Hello, Sir#67 here with a shameless plug post.

There are two, two day 40k events coming up in North East England. Both are being held at Games of War in Seaham.

The venue's fantastic, plenty of gaming tables and a wide selection of terrain on offer. The store runs regular tournaments for both 40k, Warmachine, Magic, Rules of Engagement, Flames of War etc. I've only entered the 40k side of things so far and it's always been a blast! One thing I have noticed is that only abut half the field is ever marines (including chaos and GK in here) which makes a nice change from other events I've been to.

The first tournament is on 3rd-4th November. It's 1750pts Saturday and 2000pts Sunday. The organiser; Ratwolf, ran the doubles tournament Bede and Myself competed in and did a great job there so I'm expecting good things from this one.

The second tourney is on 8th-9th December. Points values are 1750pts Saturday and 2000pts Sunday and it's being organised by yours truly! This is the first tourney I've organised but I've been to events all over the place so hopefully that experience will pay off.

I'm planning to do a write up of my experiences writing the tourney pack and explain some of the decisions I've taken in a future article. Watch this space!

Other details for both tournaments and their respective tournament packs can be found here: http://www.gamesofwar.net/acatalog/GAMES_of_WAR_Events.html

There are also DakkaDakka threads for both tournaments in the Tournament Discussions section of the forum.

Any questions drop me a line.
