Ok well it's a week late, after all the excitement of Games Day and the follow up posts I needed a little break; but seeing as I missed marking the first year milestone completely I thought it would be remiss if I didn't make the effort to mention this one.

Two years on and this little blog of mine has grown considerably, in fact last month recorded the highest number of visits to date, clocking in at just over 10k! That is very humbling, my thanks go out to all those that take the time to follow this rather sporadic journal of my Hobby adventures and to those who just happen by to read the odd post.

Your comments are always appreciated and the knowledge that at least some of my musings are of interest to others is quite heart warming; seeing hits register from all over the globe never ceases to be a source of wonderment, bringing a smile to my face.

As a Birthday present to myself (for all my *cough* hard work) I bought the first Forge World Heresy book 'Betrayal' at Games Day; special mention of thanks to my buddy Will for making like a Caestus Assault Ram and bagging me a copy while I was still queuing in the entrance hall frantically texting him targeting coordinates.

I also got it signed by none other than the big man himself Alan Bligh; the book is a tome of collectable awesomeness and I will try and get a review up on it at some point.

Finally, I played my first two games of 6th Edition on Saturday (which is cause for celebration in itself) and work permitting, the next post will cover my initial thoughts and experiences with the new rules.

So all that remains is to wish The Veil's Edge a very happy second Birthday, blow out the candles and go stuff myself with some cake; thanks again for reading and here's to another year of Hobby Blogging.