Well I’ve spent the weekend playing with my airbrush but since I still suck with that thing so far I figured I’d put up where I plan on starting my lists for now with Iron Warriors.
15 Cultists – 70
15 Cultists – 70
Fast Attack
Heldrake – 170
Heldrake – 170
5 Spawn – 180
Mark of Nurgle
Heavy Support
5 Havocs – 115
5 Havocs – 115
5 Havocs – 115
Total: 1005
So why? Well the heavy weapons should be obvious. 12 Autocannons for so cheap is a pretty solid start, being much cheaper than the guard you can ally in. The Heldrakes make for some nasty anti-marine while maybe being able to drop a flyer between them on the turn they come with their vector strike. Spawn are a solid, fast, and tough cc unit. And naturally 2 squads of cultists for some objective holding goodness.
The rest of the list will be tailored to what I’m feeling while I play test. I feel the above gives me a solid starting point for how I’m going to move forward. Once I get comfortable with more of the book I can see the above changing.
And what is the first thing I’m thinking about running in addition to the above not counting allies?
Chaos Lord – 185
Mark of Nurgle, Bike, Black Mace, Boon of Mutation, Sigil of Corruption, Veteran of the Long War
Chaos Lord – 80
Mark of Slaanesh
12 Noise Marines – 280
Sonic Blaster, FnP Icon
12 Noise Marines – 280
Sonic Blaster, FnP Icon
The above leaves you with 20 extra points to put somewhere. I like it as a starting point but then I feel like I’ve got a chaos army without too many chaos marines. So this is something I’d also be considering.
Chaos Lord – 185
Mark of Nurgle, Bike, Black Mace, Boon of Mutation, Sigil of Corruption, Veteran of the Long War
10 Chaos Space Marines – 210
BP/CCW, 2 Melta Guns, Rhino, Power Axe
10 Chaos Space Marines – 210
BP/CCW , 2 Melta Guns, Rhino, Power Axe
10 Chaos Space Marines – 210
BP/CCW , 2 Melta Guns, Rhino, Power Axe
As you can see my starting point has me being a big fan of the Nurgle Bike Lord w/the Mace. I’m just dying to try him in with a unit of nurgle spawn. The above list does add more basic marines as well as some mobility but it lacks some more character support and the ability to drop lightly armored troops hiding in cover.
Either way, this is where I’m starting. What do you guys thing?