Though not much have been posted here, I've not been completely idle on the hobby front. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been working on a Cult Mechanicus (Tempus Fugitives Codex) army file for Battlescribe. And it’s starting to get somewhere, so here is the first bit to check out. It's still missing a few Divisios and hence is not completely ready for a full army set-up but you can play around with points/options for Magi, troops, Disciples and a couple of the Divisios. So I hope that some of you will find it useful and will have a look through, to spot mistakes and so on. Please drop me a line when you spot mistakes so I can get them corrected.
Whenever something is wrong rulewise, with regards to either the codex or especially the main 40K rulebook, could you please also state the page(s) you might be referring to. Since my 40K-fu is not that strong, especially not 6th.ed.
For those of you not knowing Battlescribe, it's a free armybuilder that works for both pc and mac, android and ipad, it can be downloaded from, Google play and app store.
Once installed you have to download gamefiles and catalogues(codicis) which can be found here: - just copy the link into the popup box when Battlescribe opens. You can then copy the CultM file into the programs catalogue folder and it will pop up when you create a new rooster.
Cult Mechanicus army file:
Cult Mechanicus for Battlescribe
by Manus | Oct 9, 2012