I have now started a bit on my skorne and this is my first test model out, and i still don´t know if i like it or not. the plan is to try out on other paint scheme that i have and that is the way i did my Tau black and blue. Think that it will fit me a lot more and also i get to play whit them the tau are just in a display cabinet atm cuz i don´t play 40 now. I still paint a lot of 40k but just don´t find the time to play it now days when i go out to play in is warmahords all the way for my part.
But any how, this is how the big dude looks now. the skin is working for me i was going for a brown/golden look to it just like a lion. but a bit darker i think, this guys comes from the dessert/mountens out there so i was trying to do something in that style.
well that is my small update on what is going down over at my place atm.
peace muffin
Skorne bronzback WIP
by The Muffin Man | Oct 9, 2012