Adding some atmosphere to my work desk  these purity seals were made from watercolour paper and the plastic seals that come with a certain brand of French cheese.

A quick flip through the 5th edition rulebook provided a handful of relevant quotes, the rest of the 'writing' is just made up of scribbles. A few small icons, such as the Inquisitorial symbol and the double headed eagle to break the wall of text up, and we're done.

A wash of burnt umber over the top ages the paper and brings the colour together, then it's on the the wax.

The seals came in a dark red plastic - not a bad colour, but it looked nothing like the wax it's supposed to be. A quick coat of Mechrite red, followed by washes with Baal red and Badab black, and the seals can be stuck to the paper.

All told, each seal took no more than ten minutes' work, and they add a nice ambience to my projects.