Here's the next phase of my Saxon warband for Saga completed. These are the elite troops in my warband, made from Gripping Beast plastic saxon thegns.
As with the unarmoured warriors, the main feature of the model is the shield. I have mostly stuck with crosses and simple variations, with a few squiggles to suggest more elaborate markings. I am quite pleased with the way they turned out, as freehand is not my strong suit, but it's getting better as I work through more and more shields. My next job for the warband is the warlord and I will be testing my shield-painting efforts to the limit.
Here is the warband as it will appear in game. Two units of six hearthguard and a unit of twelve warriors. That's four and a half points to date. Another unit of twelve warriors will make it up to the full six points. I would like to add some levie troops for flexibility in army choice, but I am trying to play without at the moment as I want to maximise the larger units and shield wall aspects of the Saxons in battle.
Saxon Warband Part 2
by Old Fogey | Oct 14, 2012