OK, you can label me a Lead Adventures miniatures fan-boy.  Their miniatures are full of character, beautifully sculpted and bucket-loads of fun to paint.  Having painted a few miniatures that have felt more like a chore recently, it was a real pleasure to work on these two.

These chaps are "Scholars" from the Bruegelburg militia range, and I reckon they are perfect for a Warhammer Empire army, or a Mordheim Witch-hunters warband (which is a little plan I have going around in my head at the moment).  The quality of the miniatures is first rate - well detailed, and lots of nice touches, like the book under the arm, and the mis-matched pieces of armour.  Flash and mould lines were at a minimum too, so neither miniature required too much clean up work.

The bearded chap is painted in the colours of Ostermark, as a nod to the first Warhammer Fantasy Battle regiment I painted, back when I was about 13!  The yellow is painted using my favourite method, and the metal bits are pretty much the standard way of doing things.  The purple was a little different to how I normally do it - I basecoated the areas with Hormagaunt Purple, washed with Leviathan Purple, then highlighted up adding more and more Astronomican Grey to the purple.  This looked a bit too grey when finished, so I glazed it with Liche Purple and got it much closer to the colour I was aiming for - result!

For old beardy's friend, I went for the colours of Stirland (my second Fantasy Regiment).  The green is a base of Catachan Green, shaded with Agrax Earthshade and highlighted with the base, through Deathworld Forest and then a little Ogryn Camo to finish off.  It's a dull green, and may be a little flat in hindsight, but it works well with the yellow.

...and that's about all I need to say about them - aside from I've got my eye on a few of their other miniatures, so expect to see more Lead Adventure stuff in the future.

As always, comments and criticism welcome!