It’s the penultimate round! Unfortunately, due to being mega busy for the last couple of weeks I didn’t get to catch any details of the other games so I’ll just be listing the results.

Magnusson’s Marauders 0 – The Lack Lustrians 1

Well, what a game. The unbeatable Lack Lustrians vs Magnusson’s (far below average) Marauders. I was not looking forward to this game one bit.

Luckily, first kick-off result of the game was a riot, and the game progressed 5 turns before anyone had even made a move! The less chance these lizards have of scoring on me, the happier I’ll be. They finally received the kick and made a break down the right wing of the pitch. They had 3 turns to score, which is still very achievable with the nimble Skinks. But the marauders sprang into action, chased the opponents down and boxed them in very tightly. There was nowhere they could move, no tackles they could attempt that weren’t highly risky. I slowed them down to a crawl, and when the time was right just 2-3 spaces from the end zone, I smashed hard into their cage, wrestled the ball away and threw it to safety. It was already the end of the first half and the score was 0-0! Could I even dare to dream of a win against the best team in the league?

Second half didn’t start so smoothly. I was receiving the ball, and it drifted towards just behind my line of scrimmage, which I had set up in such a way that the centre was quite weak, relying on my marauder that had just gained the Fend skill to cause a nuisance. This time the kick-off table wasn’t so kind, giving the Lizardmen a free turn before the half started. BASH! The Kroxigor bashes straight through the centre of my defensive wall and a flood of irritating Skinks followed in behind hi,m totally surrounding the ball. The marauders smashed into their formation once again, but one of the Skinks wriggled free and dashed for the line, I simply didn’t have the speed to catch him and the Lustrians go a Touchdown up. Boooo.

The rest of the game was just ridiculously nail-biting. Neither of us had many rerolls left. Pretty much every dice roll felt like do-or-die. The absolutely most draining part of the game for me was one of my marauders had managed somehow to squeeze out of a messy midfield and was free, not too far from the endzone. I managed to get the ball to him, but he wasn’t quite close enough to make the Touchdown without rolling a “Go for it” check. I didn’t want to risk leaving him there for another turn, because there was a reasonable amount of enemy players within reach that could make life extra difficult for him, so I went for it. Bet you can guess what happened can’t you, folks? Yep. I rolled a one. My best chance to do what all the other teams had failed to do thus far, and get a draw out of the Lack Lustrians and it failed due to a horrible dice roll. My last reroll, I had to use it. Another one. It simply was not meant to be. It must be destined that the Lizards will finish this season undefeated, and they only have one more game to play and prove this.

Despite the loss I think Magnusson’s Marauder performed admirably, much better than I had expected. The early riot helped me a lot, but nonetheless I came away feeling more confident in my team for the future. On top of that, I have finally made enough cash to hire my Minotaur/Spawn. That’s right; Yngvar the Twisted will be taking the pitch next game!

The Ironbeard Guard 0 – Al Gore’s Man Bear Pig Appreciation Society 0

Ming’s Marauders 1 – I Told Them I Was Ill 1

Da Smashy Hitterz 2 – The Hurdy Gurdy Hitmen 0

The Blades of Loec 6 – We Just Want To Be Loved 0

The South Ulthuan Storm Win – Lose Unnamed Orc Team  (Actual score unknown currently due to team-sheet issues).

Fantasy Football League Results

123        The Southland Alliance
113        The Donkey Men
108        Clueless Wonders
106        Bellend Hogs
103        Doc’s Depraved Delinquents
98        Team Hatstand
98        The Menagerie of Malcontent’s
90        Traci Lords of Change
77        RRRiot POW-Lice
44        Van Hemlock’s Vandals

No change in the standing at all this round! The Southland Alliance holds onto the lead. Doc’s Depraved Delinquents just edge ahead of Team Hatstand from their previous matches rivalry, and The Menagerie of Malcontent’s seem to want a piece of the Hatstand now as well!

Newly hired players:

“Yngvar The Twisted” The Minotaur/Spawn  (Magnusson’s Marauders)
Brok The Blocker (The Ironbeard Guard)

It looks like the undertaker is out of work this round as no players died on the pitch!

Next round is the big one. The teams play their last games of the season. Will The Southland Alliance triumph as the first ever Power Armoured Beard Fantasy Football champion? Will The Lack Lustrians ever be beaten? Will any of the players from Van Hemlock’s Vandals actually do anything?

Stay tuned to find out!