The Eldar Corsair prince is in the painting pipeline and I move on to the next conversion job: Commander Farsight.

The standard model looks like this:
image copyright by Games-Workshop
I find it not very impressive and although I own it (since I bought a lot from ebay) I can't be brought to fielding it like this on the tabletop. I find the following idea a lot more appealing:
copyright: user LordDirk form
So I went off and built something to resemble this. Since I did not have all the parts handy I wanted, i subsitituted. I added an Eldar Warwalker hull and an Eldar wraitlord blade. Rounding, greenstuffing and extending limbs got me this.
O'shovah conversion

O'shovah conversion

O'shovah conversion

O'shovah conversion

O'shovah conversion