So here is part 2 of my series about the interaction of the new Chaos codex and the Soul Reapers. I have dropped all the the Soul Reapers entries for the Basic Chaos marine entries to slim out the codex back to a mini-dex. I am still debating dropping the Reaver squads and allowing the Reapers to take Khorne Berzerkers to represent these maniacs. 

I will not be dropping the Dreadnought entry however; I will not call my Dread a Hellbrute ever, but I will adopt the new crazed rules, which are  a total step up from every version so far. 

So lets look at some of the changes I am making the Soul Reapers special rules, additional icons and their psychic discipline. All of these changes are in the early stages and have only seen the tabletop 3 times so far.

Fear is for the Weak: The Soul Reapers have been in the service of Chaos for ten millennia and are driven by the knowledge that the Dark Gods watch over them.

Soul Reapers are subject to the Stubborn USR found on page 76 of the MRB. Additionally they always use their unmodified leadership even when they attempt to regroup if the squad has been reduced less than half strength through casualties.

Any squad in a Soul Reapers army may purchase Fear is for the Weak for one point per model; Independent Characters can take it for 5 points.

Icon of Perpetual War for 10 points: The Soul Reapers bear this icon have been slaughtering their enemies with ease and brutal precision for millennia.

A unit that bears this Icon gains the Crusader USR.

Note: All units in a Soul Reapers army that can take icons in the Codex Chaos Space Marines may choose to take the Icon of Perpetual War for the points listed above.

Soul Reapers Psychic Discipline

Primaris Power

Imbuement of Chaos: Any friendly squad that is affected is imbued with the raw power of the Warp; this allows them to easily shred the toughest armor as if it were paper.

This power is a Blessing.

Pick any friendly unit within 12 inches including the caster himself; all affected models gain the Rending USR on all close combat attacks until the casting players next turn.

Warp Charge 1

1-2: Chains of Torment: The Apostle creates small warp rifts under his foes, launching ethereal chains that rend flesh to the bone in an attempt to drag the targets into the warp.

The Chains of torment is a Witchfire power with the following profile.

Blast, Strikedown, Blind

Warp Charge 1

3-4: Warp Lightning: The Apostle shoots powerful bolts of lightning from his fingertips, arcing into the enemy leaving a wake of incinerated bodies.

Warp Lightning is a Witchfire power  with the following profile.

Assault D3+1

Warp Lightning will ‘Arc’ into the nearest enemy unit within 6 inches; this will only happen if all the hits scored against the target unit cause wounds (before any saves are rolled); if the target is a vehicle all the hits must either glance or penetrate to ‘Arc’.

Warp Charge 2

5-6: Daemonic Terror: The sorcerer sends unhinging visions of the warp into his foes mind that debilitate them in combat.

Daemonic Terror is a Malediction power with a range of 24 inches.

The target unit loses D3 from its leadership value, it may not conduct Overwatch fire and all of its close combat attacks become unwieldy until the Sorcerers next turn.

Warp Charge 1