The Dark Vengeance starter kit, much like the most recent Deamons wave of releases, has allowed me to breathe new interest, and life, into my Thousand Sons army. Being able to add 20 cultists, 6 Chosen and hellbrute and a Chaos Lord to a force that had one squad of Thousand Sons, a Sorcerer in Terminator armor and a Deamon Prince (who could also double in the Tzeentch themed Deamon army) was pretty meager. Enough to field the army under 5th with generic deamons and under 6th with Deamons as the main force and Chaos Space Marines as the allies. but not the ultimate vision I have for this army. With the Dark vengeance Chaos Lord, I plan to have the terminator armored sorcerer become part of a squad of Thousand Sons terminators. Whether this is possible at the time \of me writing this blog post is unknown, as the Chaos codex won't be released for another four days. But that is my hope, otherwise I just have two HQ choices. I stuck to the same color palette as the Hellbrute, and was quite pleased with the results. One other item I would like to remark on is how all of my models since the new GW paint line came have been based with Stirland Mud. I actually just had to replace the pot because I ran out. While I know anyone can mix paint and sand and achieve this, I love the convenience of it. I do have some Mourn Mountain Snow as well, and hopefully will be using it on my 30k army when I decide on it.