I also wasn't terribly excited about them sitting around collecting dust either. But, I think I found a good way to use them without needing an entire army. They were among the first models I painted when I got started in the hobby, and on inspecting them, I realized how much my skills have improved since I painted them.
I decided it would be an interesting little project to paint one up every year, to see how my painting skills have changed. I went through my set, and picked out the one I thought was the best. The rest, I removed from their bases and dropped into a tub of Power Dissolver to strip the paint off.
Without further adieu, I present Daemonette 2011:
Once the remaining 19 are cleaned off, I'll prime one of them and paint her up as Daemonette 2012. I can't decide whether or not to paint the next one in a similar color scheme or a different one. There are some pros and cons for both. Cons certainly include not having half the paints I used in the original one, because of the GW paint switch up. Which method do you think would be best for this project?