For those following the progress of this, I'm building and painting a Badab War era Deathwatch trooper for this competition and charity project from The Fallen Princes.  Go have a look and I'll see you when you are back...

In my last post I showed you the progress in the build, now I'm well into the process of painting, with mixed success...

Here's the base featured in that post, painted up.  The one stipulation of the project is that the base be urban themed, so I dug out some parts from my bits box and got to work.  Features include some random bits of machinery, the "girder" (in red), and part of the hatch from a Rhino.  To try and tie things together a little, I've painted up the Rhino hatch in Raptors colours, matching the Chapter colours on the marine.  I imagine he's fighting to on a battlefield in which the Raptors have already fought to avenge a past defeat.

Here's the marine with the base colours blocked in.  Special mention must go to Karitas from Excommunicate Traitoris for donating the Deathwatch shoulder pad you can just about make out in the pic above.  Thank you Karitas.

Pop back on Monday when I'll be showing you how I didn't quite manage with my first attempt to paint the black armour.

Cheers - Andy.