Szukałem na necie pomysłów i powiem szczerze, że nic mi się nie spodobało. Z kilku względów: albo były zrobione z plastikardu, albo totalnie badziewnie z drutu albo jeszcze gorszych materiałów... no porażka.
Znalazłem jeden tutorial, który mnie nie zadowolił, więc postanowiłem, ulepszyć metodę i zrobić coś po swojemu. I oto efekt, kilkunastominutowy tutorial.
As you can see in the topic of this post, I had a need for some orky pimpage and the only idea I had was to give them propah banners. Since the GW ones are small and all my WFB Orcs & Goblins are used in WFB army, I was left with little choice but to make my own.
I browsed the interwebz for some inspiration and couldn't find one. Well, I lie; I found one tutorial, but it was poorly done and the result didn't satisfy me. So I decided to make my own that will recycle some materials that we all have in our bits boxes. The above is the result.
Also, sorry if you can't understand Polish, do not worry, just look at the moving pictures :D