Hello all :)

I'm spending time on my commissions, here you have one of theme :)

Death Korps of Krieg on eavy metal level :)

I hope that you like them :) I hope to paint one of them on my highest level one day, they are so cool! :)

New projects soon!

Edit: (How to paint  brown elements of coat :) for Volomir - Thanks for asking! :D )

Painted on black coat.
First layer is: Indian Flesh from P3
Next: Indian Flesh with Gun Corps Brown (P3 too) 50%/50%
Next: Gun Corps Brown only :)
Next: Gun Corps Brown and Desert Yellow from Vallejo Model Color (Amarillo Desierto 70977)
Next: Desert Yellow and Elf Flesh from GW, and next layers with more Elf Flesh, finally you can add some white on last layer :)
And there is some middle shades made with Bestial Brown from GW :)
Good luck! :)
