Two more Tactical Marines finished since my last update. I've been working away diligently on them, along with three other projects that will eventually see the light of day on this blog or another. I'm pretty happy with the consistency I've been able to keep with the yellows. I think once I'm finished with the squad I'll be able to go back in and wrap up the final shading with a glaze or three in the right spots.

There's a slight difference you might notice about these two guys, and it's the sword icon on their left shoulders. I decided when I was assembling the squad that five of the models would get this icon on their shoulders, and they'd form one of the demi-squads should I decide to use their "combat squad" option. To further enhance that look, this group will have their "4" in black.

And then I have another two underway. The Marine on the left is the demi-squad leader, denoted by the chalice on his backpack. The Plasma Canon Marine has been a lot of fun to work on, with such large areas of yellow needing to be shaded in some way.

My Third Game!

For my third game I played against seasoned veteran John Swann and his Space Wolves. Again I found myself outnumbered and outgunned as John ran: a Rune Priest, an 8-man Wolf Guard squad (all with different gear) in a Rhino, two 10-man Grey Hunter squads in Rhinos, and a Vindicator.

We played a game with multiple objectives scattered across the table and right from the start I was under heavy fire from John's Vindicator. After the first turn we found ourselves in a situation of each of us removing an entire squad at a time. First my Assault squad was gunned down, then my Death Company Tycho (to be renamed Janus) finished off a GH squad in combat (six models on the charge!), then the Vindicator took out my Death Company, then my Furioso wiped out his Wolf Guard in one turn (despite having lost a blood talon arm to snapfire on the way in). It was a frenzied display of blood-letting indeed. Sadly, my men could simply not hold on against the constant attacks from the Strength 10 large blast, and John won the day, although all casualties he caused were through shooting, so a moral victory in my books ; )

And finally...Movember

Please click on the link here to see our post about Movember on the Guns Of April blog. Obviously I'm going to ask that when you donate to the cause (and I know you'll do me proud) that you donate to my individual page here. In our team we have a side bet going on which side (Union or Confederate) will bring in more money, so I'll need your help as more of those damned Rebs are growing mustaches than we glorious Yankees.

Enjoy your gaming, and more about Lamenters, gaming, and embarrassing mustaches later!
