Announcing the FUGITIVE FICTION MASQUERADE BALL.  What the hell is that? you may ask. 

Well, the timing obviously has to do with Halloween, everyone’s favorite holiday -- a lot of folks’ favorite, anyway, including my own.  And if you’ve checked out my ebook covers and noticed my profile pics, you know I’m not afraid to embarrass myself to potentially millions of strangers on the internet.  So...  Are you??? 

But I’ll get to that in a second.  First let me say that the Ball also coincides with the publication of A Long Walk Down a Dark Alley, which is the long-winded but Halloween-relevant title of my new threesome of horror-esque short stories.  And in honor of the FFMB, I am announcing a temporary price reduction for the ebook version of A Long Walk, cutting the price in half to a criminally affordable $0.99.  As of the time of this posting you can purchase it on and, but as the distribution channels kick in, you’ll soon find it about anywhere ebooks are sold. 

But that’s not all.  As of today, the paperback edition is also available for order!  This handsome chapbook (a chapbook being a smaller book) costs only $4.99 (compared to your average trade paperbacks at 12 to 15 bucks or more) and can be found here at my Amazon Create Space e-store. 

But wait, there’s more! 

THE BALL:  The idea behind the Masquerade Ball is that I am inviting all of you to email me your Halloween pictures of yourself (or others) in costume.  In exchange for bravely sharing your disguises the same way I have been sharing mine, I will give you the key to a free ebook download of A Long Walk in whatever format you require.  To participate in the Fugitive Fiction Masquerade Ball, simply email the following to jdbrink888 at gmail dot com :
            1. A digital pic of you (or a loved one) in costume (and no, your birthday suit doesn’t count as a Halloween costume);
            2. Your name or alias as you would have it appear;
            3. Whether or not I can post said picture as part of the FFMB gallery on the Fugitives of Purgatory blog (after all, it’s not a party if we can’t all show off our costumes);
            4. And include the email address where you want to receive your door prize.
            *  You don’t HAVE to give me permission to post your pics in order to join the party and get your free download, it’s just more fun for all if you do.

That’s it.  My hope is that we’ll have plenty of participants who want to celebrate this spooky time of year together online and if successful, maybe we can make this an annual event!  So come on, folks!  Let’s shake off that shyness, slip on our costumes, and have some fun!

(By the way, that lovely Masquerade pic at the top was lifted from the following website,where it was graciously offered up under the Creative Commons licensure: -- I believe in credit where credit is due)