Well I have played this list with joko who was playing with a Neoterra sectorial list. I have played 4 or more times and all I have lost it. I had done a list which I wanted to played and I decided to use it, because it was rather experimental.
Bueno, hace tiempo jugué una partida contra joko, que jugó con una lista sectorial de Neoterra. Las anteriores cuatro veces que jugué siempre perdí, y no tenia muchas esperanzas de cambiar esta vez. La lista que llevé fue experimental.
GRUPO 1 (Regs: 10/Irrs: 0):
- AQUILA Ametralladora / Pistola, Arma CC Shock (60 | 2)
- ULANO Ametralladora, Feuerbach / (100 | 2)
- 4x FUSILERO Fusil Combi / Pistola, Cuchillo (10)
- FUSILERO Lanzamisiles / Pistola, Cuchillo (26 | 1)
- DEVA Teniente (G: Sincronizado) Fusil Combi, Nanopulser+Devabot / Pistola, Cuchillo (26)
- DEVABOT Lanzallamas Pesado / Pulso Eléctrico
- HEXA Hacker (Disp. de Hacker) Fusil Combi / Pistola, Pulso Eléctrico (36 | 0.5)
- MULEBOT (Repetidor EVO) Pulso Eléctrico (13 | 0.5)
301 Puntos | CAP: 6
Army Infinity v.3.0. - http://www.devilteam.com
GRUPO 1 (Regs: 10/Irrs: 0):
- AVATAR Teniente (Strategos N3) Ametralladora MULTI, Lanzagranadas Pesado, Sepsitor Nanopulser / Arma CC Exp (152 | 2)
- 2x MORAT Fusil Combi / Pistola, Cuchillo (16)
- KURGAT Cañón Portátil Automático, Cargas-D, Minas Antipersona / Pistola, Cuchillo (37 | 1.5)
- ZERAT Hacker (Disp. de Hacker) Fusil Combi, Cargas-D / Pistola, Cuchillo (33 | 0.5)
- 2x ÍMETRON Pulso Eléctrico (4)
- ZÁNGANO ESCLAVO Pulso Eléctrico (3)
- ZÁNGANO-R Pulso Eléctrico (8)
- 2x DĀTURAZI Chain Rifle y Granadas de Humo / Pistola, Arma CC Shock (14)
301 Puntos | CAP: 4
Army Infinity v.3.0. - http://www.devilteam.com
Army Infinity v.3.0. - http://www.devilteam.com
The game was really fast, first he moved the ulano and killed my kurgat, and I think nothing more. During my turn I killed the Ulano (one of the hits was from a daturazzi, nice), the aquila and advanced with the avatar. Then he advaced with the deva and devavot, destroyed my DDO but end up dying. We stop here because it was a matter of time.
El campo de batalla era algo parecido a esto visto de mi lado (lo hice un poco simétrico porque el lado de joko no lo recuerdo del todo.
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