"In this corner, we have..."
Before anyone gets into a fit over the image I chose for this post, do yourself a favor and don't.

I feel the need to add a disclaimer:

We at the Wargate do not condone, revere or seek to sensationalize any of the real history of the War in Europe.  There's a lot of emotion behind this, but for our purposes, Flames of War will be treated like any other game, and the Nazis will be treated like any other antagonist in any other game.  Therefore, anything said or written here by myself or any other club member; any jokes made; any Russians that starve and any Nazis killed in the process thereof are to be treated in a lighthearted manner, like everything else here at the Wargate.

Now, with that said I must say I'm sorry about our little hiatus.  A little personal time was required this month, but the club definitely hasn't been too derailed.  All our Flames of War training is taking hold, and the tanks and troops are marching for Moscow as we speak!

Check out the campaign page, though few battles have taken place so far in the next week things are going to be heating up to a fever pitch.  This is our first campaign that will be "trans-club", and we'll be taking our campaign on the road to rack up victories for the Axis and Allies.  The Eastern Front isn't well known about in America, but we're going to change all that with some history lessons as well as fantastic gaming opportunities.

Historically speaking, the battle of Moscow didn't take place in the city...this is an important distinction.  It was waged over the entire oblast, however...about 600 square kilometers of forests, villages and hastily created defenses.  You can read more on real history of the battle here.

So, the time for talking is over.  This weekend, we're going to start hitting the battlefield hard - and I expect there will be more than a few casualties to report on for the next campaign update.  Yet, how are we going to work this into a narrative for the club?

Well, next year's campaign will more or less follow the real history of the war.  Instead of a narrative where we change the course of history, we're going to another conflict in the war.  As we move through our own campaigns, we'll move further through the course of the battles and experience the Eastern Front as no one should ever have to.

Roll up the guns, and I'll see you on Game Day!