Hi every one,

I have finally finished the first of several projects that were on hold for several years due to unforeseen circumstances that I like to call 'acts of God'.

This is the first diorama that I have done in the 'heroic scale', and one of the most difficult due to the inaccuracies of the scale.  It was also one of the most enjoyable, mostly due to the period - that is the 40K universe which I have always loved.

Well, without further ado, I present the pics of my work for better or worse.  The first few give a general overview of the diorama.

The next few are close ups of the Wolf Guard which is the subject of the piece.

The second ork that I put together and painted up is the one running towards the Wolf Guard.  This was the one I enjoyed doing most - simply because it was the simplest to do!

The wounded ork prone on the floor was much more difficult and involved a lot of fitting, which unfortunately I did not get completely right.  Next time though I will do better.

The last pic is of the wrecked sewage pipe.  This was a joy to do even though there are several mistakes that were pointed out to me which I have tried my best to cover.

Well they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I think I have said enough for today.  If there are any questions about how I did something that interests you, then please leave a comment below and I promise to get back.

As always,

Farewell and good health,
