So after a nice break from the blog I'm back to fill in my ~4 fans about what is going on in my world of 40k. First the rant. Please stop saying Daemons are OP. They are not OP. They can be beat the same way as last edition. I was curb stomped by a list that shall go unnamed ( requested by the other player ) soundly this last week. It was a total blow out and he did a great job of setting up the list as well as playing. Daemons have had to eat sh*t for a long time now and when we finally get some rules love the " internets" declare them broken. I'm sorry Ig, Space wolves and GK.. You can't just rely on some power that makes the bad daemons go away like you usually do. Draigo not do it it for you now?? Aww the leafblower list getting it's ass handed to them. Tuff . Chaos will still get its update that may nerf them so don't worry.
Well I'm trying to get ready for a GT in the up coming weeks and still haven't decided on a list as of yet. Daemons are my standard army and have been all through 5th edition, but the recent surge of the bandwagon makes me want to take something else. Crons are about the only other list I can think of at this point and I would still need to paint a few. No biggie, but still they would be super fun to run against another Daemon player ( FYI daemons have a hard time with certain Cron builds ).
CSM army is on hold till I figure WTF Phil Kelly was trying to add to the game. It is cool, it has nice models, but I have no idea if it is trying to do the same thing that the old Dex was doing. I mean is Phil trying to set a new point standard? The dex is like a giant buffet, many options , but the food lacks flavor. The CSM dex has some great stuff , but again it fails to deliver in most competitive games I have seen . The zombie thing is BS btw. This may change but as of right now it is not hard to kill.
The meta. Right now most would say troops. I think this will shift soon to mech spam again. cheap mech used to gain board control. Mech is easier to kill, but bring enough and you run into a problem if your trying to kill 5+ rhinos, a land raider , flyers etc a turn. Maybe this is where CSM is headed, but who knows.
Please don’t Panic!! hmmf hmmmf hmmf
by Death Salvo | Oct 31, 2012