A bit of a break from hobby I'm afraid, in the last couple of weeks I've had to re-tile my entire bathroom after tradesmen completely stuffed it up.  It's been a real pig and meant that I haven't had much time at all to hobby.  As I don't have anything of my own to show you, I'll instead point you all to other interesting things out there.

Beard Bunker.  These guys are brilliant and local to me, in fact Charlie used to work at my FLGS.  I've headed their way a few times recently for gaming and they are a fantastic bunch and very much into the more relaxed style of gaming that I prefer.  Check out their blog as it has some fantastic content, nice tutorials and good bat-reps.

A little while ago, I came across this article (wired.co.uk) which I've been meaning to post up for any of you out there that might be interested.  Its brief, but makes some interesting points.

Hopefully normal service and hobby goodness will return next week.  In the meantime, please keep your eyes on The Badab Project for the voting and auction for the Deathwatch squad.

Cheers - Andy