Sorry for the lack of  updates, and the showcase posts. As to make up for it , here's a little something that some of you guys could find useful.  (jump to around the third to get started)

Yes I'm making an eldar army, and for myself. I'm selling my grey knights, not the metal ones, oh no... I'm not making that mistake again, but because my friends don't like playing against them, and still didn't manage to make up with the new codex (I tried) I think I'm better off with a smaller force, I'm keeping what I like.

Speaking of what I like. I like diversity between my figures, and I like to have female figures if the fluff gives me reason to field them. As with my Imperial Guard, and now with the Eldar I think that a few figures with this easy conversion can really spice up someones army, and make it generally more interesting. As always that's just what I think. Onto the real 'how to' part.

You will need a front chest piece, a knife, and some green stuff.

We start out by shaving off the soul gem (if possible in a way that we can use it later) and prepare a "flat" surface.

Once we have this, we mix up some green stuff and make two small balls. Make them really small, around the size of the helmet face plate.

After we have the ideal size, it's time to make them look like they are part of the armor, Guardians are ideal to look at if you don't have an idea about how it should look like.

After applying the little GS balls we start with a small push from the top, and move our finger(s) back, where the neck joint will be, be sure to have your fingers wet, we don't want any finger prints. If you find it hard, I suggest doing one at a time.

After that we do the same at the sides, where the arms will connect. If possible be more gentle than before, we still want keep the round shape, while also making it part of the armour . How would it look like with big gaps.

After that we finish by smoothing the front parts with our fingers moving clock or counter clock wise. Do this until you are satisfied with the looks, you can also push them around a little, if they don't appear natural.

Using older green stuff can result in something that you are seeing above, it takes some time to remove it, I suggest redoing it if you see something like that in it.

Just don't forget, "making boobies" isn't a valid answer when you have to say why aren't you available at the moment...

A few finished figures, you can add some extras like a braid or changing the head for a dark eldar head.

the last one is only reaching back, she dosn't miss an arm

 Hope you found it interesting, and maybe we can see a good mix in the aspect warriors in the future, where the fluff makes it possible.