Hey guys!

Quick post today while I'm waiting for my afternoon classes to start!

I've been pretty busy over the last week or so; it doesn't mean I haven't been painting, but I just haven't had time to post! So, here's a little sneak peek of tonight's post!

WIP of Festus I'm doing as a commission for my boss! He's looking at running him with 60 Khorne Marauders, which is a scary, scary unit!

Halloween was a blast; I went as a Fallout New Vegas Wastelander, Pip-Boy and all!

Ironblaster #2 was completed! Just gotta get the arms for the Gnoblar on the first Ironblaster I did and we should be good!

Alrighty, hopefully that tides you all over for a bit! Should have the post up tonight with even more pictures!
