It’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted anything new, but I seem to have been painting constantly with nothing to show for it...mainly because I am working on multiple projects right now and am trying to finish complete units before I take pics and post them up.
The first finished unit is the Hellbrute from the Dark Vengence starter set. I had originally planned to make some conversions to the model to make it a little more “Iron Warrior” than its current daemonic/spikey appearance (despite how awesome they look), but then I managed to get my hands on a second Hellbrute – so I left this one as standard and the other one is getting converted to hell (I am thinking long-range shooty death)!
I am pretty happy with how this turned out – the metallics and chevrons turned out aged and battle-scarred and the flesh is supposed to look like something that could have once been Astartes millenia ago...
I had a bit of a play with some pigment powders on the feet and legs, to try and tie the model into the dirt of the battlefield on its base.