We'll I finally picked a army for the 11th co GT this weekend. I'm still working on a few minor details but after that it is a done deal. Trust me when I say this has been a PITA to pic as my collection has grown to a level that makes it harder to just take what I have. I know cry me a river LOL.
So painting wise I'm so freaking tired of freaking painting!!! Arrgggh. Terminators, Plagebearers, cultists, Trygons, Necron flyers!!! You name it I think I have painted it this last month. Getting burned out even with a new airbrush coming I feel lack luster about firing it up to paint more. I feel the PAIN in painting
So a few 40k guys have taken the leap into Magic. I think when I was younger I had bought a pack when they first came out, but that was it. I'm hearing from some 40k guys that magic is pretty fun to play and it seems to be really popular pretty much everywhere I go. Also the initial cost seems to be dramatically less than 40k in terms of time and money. I realize there are cards that are uber expensive, but isn't that in every hobby. I may tempt fate and pick them up to see what this is all about but who knows.