With a matter of hours, I will be embarking to my first 6th edition tournament: the Da Boyz GT.  I am pretty excited.  I can't wait to rock out my new army and see if bikes can stand up in this ever changing crazy world of 40k.  Tomorrow (Friday 11/09/12) the Toledo Tools will be defending our championship during the team event.  This year Jon Willingham is unable to make it, so in his place, we have the most recent Adepticon champion, Brad "The Tool" Chester.   I decided to rock out my list which I posted last time as I really couldn't be bothered with coming up with something else.  I plan on using this time to familiarize myself with the new rules at a GT level in order to be on top of my game for the main event.

On Saturday and Sunday, I will be participating in the GT.  I honestly have no clue what to expect.  I have heard of so many different styles of armies being taken to tournaments that it is almost impossible to prepare for everyone.  Therefore I decided to take a balanced list in order to be prepared for every possibility.  If I win... great.  If I lose, well at least I know what to expect for next time.  My personal goal is to be above 50:50 win ratio for the event. I plan on trying to update everyone with some text alerts in between games, but we will see how it goes.

Finally, while I am packing up my models for this weekend, why not provide a crappy cell phone picture of my rune priest.   


But yeah, I am really happy with how he came out.  I gave him a weapon swap and a back pack swap and mounted him on a larger base so he can be easily identified when running with my terminators.  What is cool about his paint scheme is that their is object light source done from the torch.  Overall it looks really sweet and I can't wait for him to Jaws some of Justin Cook's monstrous creatures at the tournament!

Anyways, be sure to stop and say hi!