I know, why so soon, right? Retribution is a bit behind the other factions as far as model count is concerned, but way ahead on awesomeness as far as I'm concerned. I recently got into Retribution as I really like the models and the fluff. I'm not hot on their jacks though, which makes this box a bit of a disappointment for me.

It seems like a weird time to release it since they released Hyperion a couple weeks ago. You would assume that they would want this in the store at the same time the colossal came out so you could have an easy army in a box.

The contents are

  • Warcaster Kaelyssa, Night’s Whisper
  • Chimera Light Myrmidon
  • Griffon Light Myrmidon
  • Manticore Heavy Myrmidon
Seems like kind of an odd combination as Kaelyssa doesn't really want to give all her focus away to boost the 'jacks different field buffs. It seems that maybe Rahn would've been a better choice, but really none of the ret casters are very 'jack focused.

Does anyone out there have a different opinion? Did I miss some awesome synergy here?