Every time I proclaim on this blog "Eh, I'm taking a break" or "FUCK THIS GAME. ARRGGH!" I usually wind up regretting it several weeks later. Well, I did stop by Foodhammer last weekend, and I got to see A LOT of gamers duking it out with their armies. And I realized something. I might be a pretty mediocre gamer, but I can paint to 'Eavy Metal quality when I put my mind to it. And that's something. And as much as I want to be a 'mature' armor modeler and talk to old men about the perfect Vallejo color for Russian infantry fatigues, sometimes I want to escape into oppressive space-fantasy land. 

So I'm back thinking about 40K again. I found that ignoring BoLS and a few other notable HARDCORE TOURNAMENT PLAYERS ONLY blogs was good for my gaming soul. Shit, nobody in our little 'club' is a super WAAC personality anyways, so why am I so concerned about it? Because I have deep seeded insecurities about my intellectual prowess? Uh, no, I just like to win same as anybody else. Feels good man. But like the wanna be hipster I am, I want to win with a list that nobody has heard of. Yeah brah, I play Talonwing Chaos, totally dominate. 

Seriously though, I like building lists and thinking about the game. I can't remember a lot of the rules, but that's OK. I drank a lot of alcohol at one point in my life. Alright, I drink a lot of alcohol now. But that's not the point. I forgot what the point was, but let me say this. I LIKE 40K. That includes painting, playing, and making terrain and building models. 

So now I return to thinking about armies, and lists, and strategies. Man, taking a break from everything and looking at it fresh...Space Marines are kind of cool. And guess what? I have a thousand point army SITTING ON A SHELF diddling their bolters. Well, it's time to have them make an official tabletop debut, n'est pas?

I also have a secret army idea that I don't want to reveal to anyone, since they will totally call me a noob and a fanboy, and a GW suckup whooore. Yeah, but they're going to be painted really nice, so you can suck it you internet tough guys. I dunno, there are so many army ideas I wanna do but so little time (and money - I mean, I have cash, but I should really be saving that for something...else, right?) so we'll just have to narrow it down. 

I DID get the Flames of War starter set. God damn it, I still don't like the tanks very much. I've been spoiled by precision Japanese kits that are GORGEOUS when built. Oh well, I'll build the whole thing up anyways. 

So yeah, I'm an ADHD melodrmatic nerd who likes to build little plastic men and push them around making 'pew-pew' noises. And nerd rage about stuff. But hey, that's entertainment. Who would read my blog if I was rational and boring? Wait, nobody reads this thing anyways....