With news of online retail giants folding and hostile take overs of chief competition buzzing around the web I have decided to sell some miniatures sitting still in box on the shelf collecting dust! Instead of doing my normal Ebay I am using a new channel of mine of which I am dedicating to buying and selling hobby stuff on ebay (makes it easier to keep track of stuff). I also plan on selling some hobby stuff as well soon enough as well as some of my older chaos stuff. So check it ou!t
Right now this is what I have up for sale
Vampire counts
corpse cart NOS (new on sprue)
Black Knights/Hexwraiths NOS
20x Mantic Undead Revenants NOS
I need to sell some stuff and get some positive feedback so I can keep purging my old stock of minis
Check it out soon for some old chaos stuff and maybe some marine action...more on this later
Selling off some minitures still on sprue and then some
by Kevinmcd28 | Nov 12, 2012