With the list submission date for Blog Wars only a couple of days away, I've finally decided on the army list that I'll be taking. Here goes:
(counts as Codex: Imperial Guard)

HQ - Lord Commissar (70) with Power Weapon (10) = 80

HQ - Lord Commissar = 70

ELITE - Guardsman Marbo = 65
TROOPS (1) - Infantry Platoon = 210
  • PCS - Platoon Commander & four Guardsman (30)
  • Infantry Unit - Guardsman Sargeant & nine Guardsman (50)
  • Infantry Unit - Guardsman Sargeant & nine Guardsman (50)
  • Conscript unit - twenty Conscripts (80)
TROOPS (2) - Veteran Squad - Veteran Sergeant & nine Veterans (70) with Carapace Armour (30) and 3 x Plasma Guns (3 x 15) = 145
TROOPS (3) - Veteran Squad - Veteran Sergeant & nine Veterans (70) with Carapace Armour (30) and 2 x Plasma Guns (2 x 15) = 130
HEAVY - Manticore = 160
HEAVY - Colossus 2 x 140 = 280
HEAVY - Medusa 2 x 135 = 270
FAST - Vendetta (130) with Pair of Heavy Bolter Sponsons (10) = 140
FAST - Vendetta (130) with Pair of Heavy Bolter Sponsons (10) = 140
APC - Chimera (for 2 x Veterans Squads) 2 x 55 = 110
Grand Total: 1850


(pic courtesy of http://bestdemotivationalposters.com/)
The list is a compromise between firepower for anti-tank and anti-infantry purposes, blob-squads for ojectives claiming and the two Vendettas for some air superiority. I doubt it's totally optimised but frankly it's supposed to be a fun tournament and these are the models I like, so they're in!