Greetings everyone

Apologise for the lack of activity in recent weeks. I've recently moved house and am still waiting for the rather slow Internet people to hook my house up! Consequently I'm limited to Internet on my phone which is not good for blogging!

Sadly this means no photos in this post as the iPhone doesn't seem to let me upload any directly. Anyway, I have just finished a hydra flak tank for my guard and am hoping to finish up a unit of 3 mortars and another command section for next weekend. The reason for that being I'm off to Nottingham again!

The planetary governor of Gaois Secondus sent a desperate plea for help to praetorian high command who duly responded. However they did not send merely one regiment but two! My army will be joining commissar dave's army up there and we will be teaming up for the doubles game, 4000 points of praetorian goodness.

I will take a whole load of photos when I'm up there so you will be able to see all the action when I get back (and have Internet finally sorted!). It's also my birthday next week so I might just treat myself to a large lump of resin up in Nottingham, I've always wanted a thunderbolt, but then again I've always wanted a marauder too...