
Greetings all.

So I know updates lately have been even sparser than usual. Unfortunately that’s not going to change any time soon.

It’s time for me to move away from what I’ve focused this blog on for so long (those ever popular Space Marines) and start to work on my own ideas. I know many of you 40K and truescale fans won’t like that but so long as the work is based on someone else’s ideas and intellectual properties I will be tied to this being a hobby, and I want to make it MY job based on MY ideas.

Right now I’m not certain what that means for this site. I’ve spent the last few months working on prototypes for my own miniature range. Whilst progress has been decidedly slow things are really starting to take shape, not just the miniatures but also the creative fiction and something resembling an outline of game mechanics. I feel very strongly that I can’t preview this content here until it is in a very polished stage, which will be a while yet. That leaves very little time for updates on this site.

I’d love to be able to devote time to 40K and Warhammer Fantasy related conversions, but the chances are I won’t be able to. I still have a couple of Beastmen battalions to do something with and I’ve been having urges to assemble a Vampire Counts army too. Maybe I’ll do one or two simple things with that if I can find the spare time or need a break.

While my new miniatures will get their own site eventually, initial previews will still be posted here. When I have the first handful of models finished and ready for casting I’ll look to start a campaign on Kickstarter or Indiegogo. Obviously, the most important element of success there will be having the best finished models I can possibly make. While that is going to take some time I’m happy with how the development stages are progressing.

Sorry I have to be such a tease and not actually reveal anything yet, but the wait will be worth it. I’ve got something really unique and timing and presentation will be vitally important.

To change the subject to something I can talk about…

I’m hoping to soon be putting up for auction an Artscale Imperial Fist miniature that I converted and Volomir painted. Volomir has promised me some top notch photos, but for now here’s a single pic to salivate over. Check out his blog to see his methods (here and here), and my conversion post here.

All proceeds from this auction will be going to the Birmingham Dogs Home, a charity very close to my heart that protects and re-homes abandoned, stray and unwanted dogs.

I’ll also be auctioning off my own Inquisitor and Artscale Grey Knight as a second (not so excellently painted) auction at the same time. Maybe even one or two other items that may be of interest.






Barring complications I’m aiming for both auction to be two weeks long, starting the end of November or early December. If you know of anyone who would be remotely interested in bidding on these please send them a link to this site. I’ll be trying to raise as much awareness of the auctions as possible when they start so any help with letting people know through your own sites, blogs or forums would be greatly appreciated.