Today I am going to run through how I paint my power weapons.

Paints we will need are:

Night Blue (VGC), Magic Blue (VGC), Nuln Oil (GW), Ice Blue (GW) and Skull White (GW).

Fairly straightforward process, so lets have a look at how.

 Make sure the blade area of the power weapon is black before we start.

Next we put a layer of Night Blue over the whole blade.

Using the Nuln Oil wash over the entire face of the blade.

We will then create a lightning pattern on the blade with the Night Blue, going over this pattern again with a 1:1 mix of Night Blue and Magic Blue.

Over the above pattern we go with a pure Magic Blue layer, keeping inside the previous layers and starting to lighten up the edges of the weapon.

Again we are going inside what we have previously done, this time with pure Ice Blue, focussing on the edges especially.

Pure Skull White next, kept to random bright spots on the weapon face and along the edges. It is possible to leave it at this stage if you are happy with it.

The final step for me was to add a glaze of 3:1 water to Skull White over the entire blade to give it a kind of haze. With this dry, the weapon is complete to go about hacking up your 40k opponents.