The inspiration .
Welcome back. Lets jump right in shall we? Above is a really close idea of what I wanted my Alpha Legion to look like. Well, maybe a bit more corrupted since they are traitors.  Guess what? I got really close!

This is how the details turned out. Still looking like an iron warrior though.
 A few close ups of the bolter. Why the metallic red on the bullets? I heard the red ones shoot faster somewhere...
With the armour started he's getting closer to that Alpha Legion feel.
All the pre-shading and highlighting was done with Citadel metallics then the new Citadel glazes where brushed on in several (3-4) thin layers.
There it is! Alpha Legion. Metal highlights were done over the blue and then glazed with the new Citadel green glaze.  The armour tuned out EXACTLY like I wanted. This is how the Alpha Legion looks in my mind and I finally got it on a mini!
Decals were used for the Icons. Decal, blue glaze, metal highlight, green glaze.  This paint job is so fast and easy I would totally use it for a whole army - and someday I will o_0
The details on the base were kept muted and neutral to show off the mini better. The color of the Necron bits matches his bolter's ammo and helps to tie him into the base.

He's actually all but finished. I just painted the rim of his base, sprayed him with Vallejo matte and he is now awaiting a bit of static grass on his base. Then its a few pics for the Standard Template Construct contest and he's done.  I'll post the finished pics after the contest because it is online voting and I want to drive people to Standard Template Construct to vote ;) So please, when voting starts for Champions of Chaos Contest check out my entry and vote for it!

Next time, back to the grey and green of prepping my DV miniatures, ugh. Chaos chosen and cultists are up next.  The Resurrected Hobbyist has done some nice cultist conversions that really got my attention and Miasma of Pestilence has some nice looking chaos chosen too. There's a ton of wonderful conversions and painting out there to keep me motivated on my DV minis so check out some of the sites on my blog roll because that's where a lot of my inspiration is found and new sites are being added all the time.

Thanks for checking out my work and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain.