
yes im a hobby butterfly but my justification is that i have a lack of spraypaint after haloween, anyway i ended up painting a cultist.

this little chap previously went unoticed on the DV sprues but on closer inspection wow.

this is fun to paint

this looks brilliant

and most importantly with GW's trend to nice things up these days a model that looks like it jumped out of some blanche artwork whilst he was tripping and listening to power metal in the 80's

well its great.

so here are some wips, im going to go with dark colours and make it look weatherbeaten and realistic

the barbed wire, the bashed pistol, the makeshift armour, the old machete, the spiked rugged gasmask


i reckon ive gotten quite good at blending red, sadly it seems like hes running towards a melta-biker

comparison. i need to make the champ more grimdark..

and thats it:D
